| 組織名 タイトル | 要求数 | 要求数の割合 (%) |
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| 小計 (NEC Corporation) | 15 | 8.62% |
4. | Failure to abide by this policy can |
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| / | 1 | 0.57% |
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| 小計 (Failure to abide by this policy can) | 9 | 5.17% |
5. | telesp.net.br |
| / | 8 | 4.60% |
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6. | kyivstar.net |
| /strange/ | 7 | 4.02% |
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7. | ASAHI NET |
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8. | HITACHI,Ltd. |
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9. | prod-infinitum.com.mx |
| / | 7 | 4.02% |
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10. | amazonaws.com |
| / | 2 | 1.15% |
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| /pcnwbt/power/3to1.htm | 1 | 0.57% |
| 小計 (amazonaws.com) | 6 | 3.45% |
11. | Network Solutions reserves the right to modify these terms at any time |
| /favicon.ico | 2 | 1.15% |
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| 小計 (Network Solutions reserves the right to modify these terms at any time) | 6 | 3.45% |
12. | steadfastdns.net |
| / | 4 | 2.30% |
| 小計 (steadfastdns.net) | 4 | 2.30% |
13. | The Microsoft Network |
| /pcnwbt/tcpip/doc/L2.htm | 1 | 0.57% |
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| /strange/asciint02.htm | 1 | 0.57% |
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| 小計 (The Microsoft Network) | 4 | 2.30% |
14. | ssl.co.jp |
| /RESKIT/workstation/08SMP_2.xml | 3 | 1.72% |
| 小計 (ssl.co.jp) | 3 | 1.72% |
15. | Internet Dept., DCBG, Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd. |
| /favicon.ico | 3 | 1.72% |
| 小計 (Internet Dept., DCBG, Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd.) | 3 | 1.72% |
16. | ichikawa.co.jp |
| /favicon.ico | 2 | 1.15% |
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17. | ipip.net |
| / | 2 | 1.15% |
| 小計 (ipip.net) | 2 | 1.15% |
18. | sl-reverse.com |
| / | 2 | 1.15% |
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19. | mopera.net |
| /favicon.ico | 1 | 0.57% |
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20. | ricoh.com |
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23. | IIJ4U |
| / | 1 | 0.57% |
| /favicon.ico | 1 | 0.57% |
| 小計 (IIJ4U) | 2 | 1.15% |
24. | Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd. |
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| /pcnwbt/power/3to1.htm | 1 | 0.57% |
| 小計 (Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd.) | 2 | 1.15% |
25. | MITSUBISHI Electric Building Techno-service Co.,Ltd. |
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| /pcnwbt/power/3to1.htm | 1 | 0.57% |
| 小計 (MITSUBISHI Electric Building Techno-service Co.,Ltd.) | 2 | 1.15% |
26. | Oki Electric Industry Co.,Ltd. |
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| 小計 (Oki Electric Industry Co.,Ltd.) | 2 | 1.15% |
27. | Railway Information System Co.,Ltd. |
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| /pcnwbt/power/3to1.htm | 1 | 0.57% |
| 小計 (Railway Information System Co.,Ltd.) | 2 | 1.15% |
28. | ULvac Technologies |
| /favicon.ico | 1 | 0.57% |
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| 小計 (ULvac Technologies) | 2 | 1.15% |
29. | Whois Server Version 1.3Domain names in the .com and .net domains can |
| /pcnwbt/power/3to1.htm | 1 | 0.57% |
| /favicon.ico | 1 | 0.57% |
| 小計 (Whois Server Version 1.3Domain names in the .com and .net domains can) | 2 | 1.15% |
30. | quantum.net.id |
| / | 1 | 0.57% |
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31. | starhub.net.sg |
| / | 1 | 0.57% |
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32. | afinet.com.br |
| / | 1 | 0.57% |
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33. | vultr.com |
| / | 1 | 0.57% |
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34. | vsnl.net.in |
| / | 1 | 0.57% |
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35. | vivozap.com.br |
| / | 1 | 0.57% |
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36. | ttnet.com.tr |
| / | 1 | 0.57% |
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37. | gln.com.br |
| / | 1 | 0.57% |
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38. | fastnetkta.com.br |
| / | 1 | 0.57% |
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39. | Charter Communications Holding Company, LLC |
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| 小計 (Charter Communications Holding Company, LLC) | 1 | 0.57% |
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| 合計 (組織名) | 174 | 100.00% |